Living With Purpose

As any project that we decide to invest in, one of the most important questions to answer is “Why?”. Life is a magical event, and the passage of time is the most sacred marker that defines what it means to be human and apart of this earth. These days it’s easy to let others define for us what is important, or what can be defined as ‘successful’. For myself, it’s what feeds my soul, what makes me feel like once this moment has passed, these acts will continue to bring benefits to others. So often I am told mutual funds will yield wealth, or other institutional investment products; but once I look into the tangible holdings, what’s in my hand, what is created or destroyed, what do they really bring upon this earth? A number in a bank account has never fed me, given me a hug, collected my clean drinking water or provided shelter. Often these markers don’t support the individual and the bodies needs for sustenance. Without a healthy mind and body, what’s the purpose of a ‘healthy bank account’. To deny humans their own ecology with the earth, we deny where the roots of our happiness truly are set upon.

This project takes a new stance on investing. Build health and the overall mission before maximizing monetary profits. Use stable securities owned by the company to back shares and our evaluation. Place our wealth into the land, empower the land to feed our community health and wellbeing.

With so many opportunities risk is inevitable. The framework of our mission is to avoid risky loans as we start, and give the investors dividends early on. By raising the capital upfront with investors, we avoid years of debt. Creating a company that’s profitable and stable in the first years it’s doing business. Just because we are investing in organic, does not mean we can’t turn a monetary profit; in fact we need to, in order to pass our abundance onto the future generations.

I have dedicated my own finances, time, and heart into this project because I believe this will revolutionize what is defined as ‘wealth’. This project is not for everyone, but for those who want a security, and to keep our capital away from banks and under our control for the use by the community. All the while supporting the ecology of humans and organic agriculture. I know with the right partners this will succeed. Would you be willing to help me spread the word? Will you be apart of what it means to truly be grassroots start up? Start by sharing this with others, you are a piece to our future success!

-Max Nalu Hart


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