As we set sail on a journey, the endless horizon can make the destinations with safe harbors beyond it feel mythical. While sailing forward, all we can do is keep the heading and our faith that the winds will take us there. Faith will take us home, fear and doubt will only sink the soul.
Admittedly as I continued on with developing this project, I started to question. Is this too big? Am I crazy for believing this is will work? These thoughts and so many more would start to cross my mind. For so much of my experiences have proven, visualize, plan, take small action steps, believe continue with actions and assessments and it shall be.
Yesterday, as I sat on my computer in a small coffee shop downtown Honolulu, I had to think and pray. In my Prayers I asked, if I am truly crazy for forming a real estate syndicate? Hoping to put an end to this madness before I waste time. Knowing that later in the weekend we had meetings and proposals to finish, I told myself gauge the situation then. If it seems like it will bust you’ll have to walk away. Yet, if things open up, I’ll need to work harder.
2 pm that day rolls by, I miss a text as I take an unexpected call. This call reminds me why I started the project, connecting people who see larger potential, and inspiration to learn more in the project. Bringing me direct confirmation that yes, I am not alone or crazy it’s just a big project with hurdles that I can’t jump alone. It’s time to start sharing the vision, and setting focus of our heading. As I look at my missed txt I notice, it’s a small token of support, a pledge to chip in a few bucks to keep me steaming ahead focusing on this.
No going back, just moving forward on this project now. This process and journey can become overwhelming at times, but when I zoom out and look at it as a whole, it simplifies into one common heading.
Thank you for your support and time,
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